Necro’s Rock Box

Quality rocks perfect for complementing outstanding environments!

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Do you have a rock shaped hole in your heart (or map)? Let Necro meet your geological needs with this pack of 9 assorted stones! These photo-scanned rocks can form the foundation of any good environment. Demo environment with complementary grass material included to showcase how good these rocks look in-game!

Nov. 17 update: added mushroom, rotted log, and wildflower props.

Technical Details

Pack comes with 9 rock meshes, each with several LODs. Base meshes range from 3000 triangles down to 500 triangles.

Pack has one master material and a separate instance material for each mesh. Material instances allow for customization via parameters, and utilize tessellation for maximum detail (which can be turned off if desired).

Each mesh comes with 4k diffuse, normal, roughness, height and ao maps.

Each mesh has a mask texture that separates out details of the mesh, such as cavities and edges, for the purpose of greater detailing in the material.

A configurable lichen layer can be painted on each rock using vertex painting.

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3