This product was built using the following Beta feature in UE4. Epic does not support backward compatibility for assets, the API for this feature is subject to change, and we may remove functionality at our discretion.
Video –
Niagara Effects Pack 05 that include advanced Niagara Particle systems and materials. All these Effects are suitable for a semi realistic magical game.
This package includes:
Map : Effects_Map
Niagara Systems : P_FX_Spline01, P_Ground_Impact01, P_Icicle_Effect01, P_Lightning01, P_Magical_Effect01, P_Plasma01, P_Plasma02, P_PoisonEffect01, P_PoisonEffect02, P_Slash_Blades_Effect01, P_Toon_Fire01, P_Vortex_shield_Effect02
48 Materials
19 Meshes
44 Textures
Technical Details
Type of Emitters: CPU
Number of Unique Effects: 12
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 48
Number of Textures: 44
Number of Blueprints: 3
Number of Unique Meshes: 19
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: You can check each effect breakdown here
Important/Additional Notes: Turn on Niagara Plugin before play.
Supported Engine Versions