Nuclear SIlo

An old Nuclear launch site with watch towers and underground bunkers.

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This package contains assets to create a big arena shooter with that “post cold war” feeling to it.

You can create infinite versions of underground structures/bunkers and launch sites. Connect them together with tunnels, stairs or elevator shafts.

Most assets comes with a look to simulate mold, rust and old paint.

Walls and pillars have optimized snapping.

Short intro video:

(This video was made in a hurry and have a tiny bit of stuttering)

I plan to add another video of a quick walkthrough and some assembling later.

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 8

Texture Size 2048×2048 and 4096×4096, most textures are 4096×4096

Collision: Yes, Custom and project default.

Vertex Count: 24- 8072

LODs: No

Number of Meshes: 93

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 52

Number of Textures: 118

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

If you find any issue with the package please notify me in the question section so that I can fix it and apply an update.

If you experience lag or performance loss in the test map try to disable or adjust volumetric fog.

Update 1 (10.10.2019) : Fixed a problem causing a material to not tile correctly.

Disclaimer: Some of the meshes are not scaled to Epic skeleton, they might seem a bit big. This is easy to adjust inside editor if you prefer them smaller.

Important/Additional Notes: Substance Plugin is required for this package to work properly.

Project runs smooth at max settings on test computer with this specs: 17 7820x, 32GB ram, 1070Ti, Win 10-64Bit.

Supported Engine Versions

4.21 – 4.25