Office Cubicles ( Desks and Walls )

Modular wall pieces and various desks and cabinets

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This is a collection tables and modular cubicle walls. All wall pieces are easily snapped together allowing you to create custom size shapes for your cubicles.

All table props are Blueprints which have parameters allowing you to adjust the color of various parts of the tables.

All models are highly detailed using PBR Materials made in Substance Painter.

The amount of detail in each mesh is suitable for 1st person games, and the polygon counts are optimized and clean.

Technical Details

Texture Sizes:

Scaled to Epic skeleton: (Yes/No) yes

Collision: (Yes/No, and specify which type — custom, automatically generated, or per-poly?) yes, custom made

Vertex Count: The cubicle walls have triangle counts that range from 100 –> 350.

The tables have triangle counts ranging from 500 –> 3,000.

LODs: The simple meshes have 2 or 3 LOD levels, while the more hi-poly meshes have 4 LOD levels

Number of Meshes: 61

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 26

Number of Textures: 80

Supported Development Platforms: (Please include a list of platforms on which the product can be used for development) PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: (Please include a list of platforms for which the product can be targeted in a packaged build) PC

Documentation: (Replace these parentheses with a link to (or a description of where users can find) the documentation)

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

4.21 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3