One Step Travel VR

The system of nonlinear motion in VR space. The journey to the destination in VR always takes one step in reality!

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Based on the video it is difficult to understand how One Step Travel works. I recommend to experience it yourself.

Try before buy:

One Step Travel VR is a system of accelerated non-linear movement in VR space. Accelerated movement is automatically activated when a player looks and moves in the direction of one of the Targets. Depending on the distance to the Target in the virtual space, the Player’s Pawn receives additional acceleration in order to achieve the goal after moving a strictly certain distance in reality.

This system allows you to implement new gameplay mechanics and, in some cases, completely abandon navigation by teleportation.


Perfectly work with the standard VR-prototype. Do not require to make any changes to your VR Pawn. For the convenience of working with the Target-Actor, its appearance changes depending on the parameters.

Depending on the selected parameters, the impact can be clearly felt, or vice versa, almost unconscious for the player.

100% Blueprint. Well commented.

The product includes the Blueprints:

Technical Details

Common parameters are contained in BP_OneStepComponent and include:

Parameters that can be configured separately for each BP_OneStepTarget:

BP_OneStepTarget also have set of Event Dispatchers – use them to bind gameplay events if needed: TargetSelected, TargetDeselected, TargetReached. 

Attention: the influence of the effects on the player can be very strong and lead to Motion Sickness. Therefore, you need to use these effects with caution.

Number of Blueprints: 2

Example Map: Included

Platform Tested: Windows, Oculus Rift/S/Quest, HTC Vive/Pro

UPDATE 1: MaximumHeightDifference parameter added.

UPDATE 2: New function added – FastTeleportToSelectedTarget.

Supported Engine Versions

4.20 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3