A set of over 500 motion capture animations for your Open World character. Includes vaulting, climbing, falling, jumping, swimming, walking, jogging, sprinting, door interactions, crawling, rope climbing, cover switching / walking / turning, sliding, pistol strafes / reload / shooting, machine gun reload / shooting / strafes. All movements for walking, jogging, sprinting and weapons including all transition starts and stops.
Watch the promo here:
View the full animation list and update log pdf: Animation List PDF
Learn how to build a Root Motion Character Controller for this system here: Watch Tutorial Series
Upcoming Releases Include:
Version 1.1 (Released) – Animated Hands + Melee Combat and Deaths – Version Trailer:
Technical Details
Watch the Version 1.1 Promo Trailer here:
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes
Animated: Yes
Number of Characters: Includes Default Mannequin
Number of Animations: 507
Animation types (Root Motion Only): We support both types.
Supported Development Platforms: PC, PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch.
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, PS4, PS4 Pro, Xbox One, Xbox One X, Nintendo Switch.
Animation List Documentation: Full list of included animation and technical sizes here: Animation List / Sizes PDF
Important/Additional Notes: Only animations and blendspaces are provided, supports from engine build 4.8.3 to the latest engine build 4.24.0.
Supported Engine Versions
4.8 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3