Documentation Video | Trailer | Demo | ( Video transfer tutorial 5.1)
A mobile phone system with 10 different apps for your character, including a selfie and camera system.
You can customise the Selfie System so your character does a custom pose when taking a Selfie : Check out adding selfie pose doc or the demo to see it in action
Note in order to use the internet app, the web browser plugin must be enabled ( this is built into unreal engine ) if your unsure I go over how to do this in the video documentation in the internet section.
Technical Details
10 Apps
Sound effects used in this project are CC0 made by OwlishMedia
Music used in this project are CC0 made by Mopz
Number of Blueprints: 24
Input: Keyboard and Mouse
Network Replicated: No
Documentation: Link : Video Documentation on how the project works :
Important/Additional Notes:
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3