Set to create a city park. Includes – brick and stone fences, logs, stumps, stones, rock, 6 types of park road, 8 decal
Additional stones can be bought here
Includes model:
Trees, grass
Park paths (6 types)
Stumps and snags
Technical Details
Collision: automatically generated, or per-poly
Vertex Count:
Stones- 650-2200
Fences – 2300 – 14200
Stump – 1100 – 2300
Timber – 1200- 1600
Trees – 1300 – 8600
Road – 300- 1400
LODs: Auto, 4 level – 100, 75, 50, 25 %
Bluepelrint spline mesh : 7 ( road, rock wall)
Number of Meshes:
Photoscaned mesh: 61
Other: 10
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 84 ( 8 decal material, 5 mat inst )
Number of Textures: 85 (Base Color) 170 (Normal, ORM)
Supported Development Platforms: Windows
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows
Attention! In later versions, it is possible that the lighting may not display correctly on the map of the city park. Solution to the problem – adjust the lighting, post-process and volumetrig fog again.
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3