Update – Added custom sound effects to the gun.
Edited the Portal material and made it more polished.
Video Preview (in play before update) – Here
This asset provides you with a complete blueprint ready to use portal gun. This project is made on first person template. An example map is given to test all its features. The obvious function of this portal gun is that 2 different portals can be spawned on the map anywhere on any wall that is 0 , 90 or 180 degree angle. The player can then teleport from on portal to another portal location. Each Portal shows the view as apparent from the other portal i.e. as seen by the other portal. This rendering gives a very realistic look to the portal gun.
Other feature is that the rotation of the player no matter which axis he teleported from he is always facing forward. This creates a smooth gameplay experience for the player.
Another important feature is the transfer of velocity from one portal to another on teleportation i.e. if the person enters a portal at high velocity he will come out of the other portal at a high velocity. This features can be uniquely used in a lot of ways to create many interesting puzzles .
And one small feature is that when only one portal is spawned on the map it has a different material and obviously the player can not teleport in that case.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 3 – FirstPersonBP , Portal 1 and Portal 2
Input: Mouse inputs preconfigured.
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms :
Windows: Yes
Mac: Untested
Documentation: :None
Important/Additional Notes: The looks of these portals can be completely customised by adding new PNG or changing colors as you wish.
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1