Project Prototype

The ultimate Project Prototype packed with 650+ prefabs!

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Start Prototyping your levels fast and in a stylized way!

This project prototype contains assets from building, to small trees to pipes. It also features Primitives with a WorldSpacePosition material to make prototyping easier. Tune out colors as you wish. A DEMO SCENE and one PROP SHOWCASE SCENE are included for a better understanding of what you can do with our assets.

Check out our other asset: Low Poly House interior

Technical Details


* Buildings (439 models)

* Generic (18 models)

* Icons (157 models)

* Primitives (23 models)

* Props (44 models)

* Small Assets (7 models)


x1 Simple water material

x4 WorldSpacePosition materials

x1 Gradient material

Textures – 1024×1024:

x1 Main Texture

x1 Second Texture

x2 Skybox Texture

x2 Grid Texture

x2 Chess Texture

Particle Effect List:

x01 Explosion Particle effect

x01 FIre Particle effect

x01 Fireflies Particle effect

x01 Flies Particle effect

x01 Rain Particle effect

x01 Smoke Trail Particle effect

x01 Snow Particle effect

Blueprint List:

* ObjectRotation

Technical Details:

*Vertex Count:

xBuildings between 24-451

xGeneric between 112-527

xIcons between 18-430

xPrimitives between 16-351

xProps between 24-356

xSmall Assets between 82-197

*LODs: No

*Number of Meshes: 189 Static

*Number of Materials: 46

x6 Materials

x40 Material Instances

*Number of Textures: 9

Supported Engine Versions

4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.1