One model is already in production
Model: Robocorp_t_900
The model was created for the game engine: Unreal Engine 4.
Author: Abdurakhman Yunusov / A.Yu. (Rahman)
2 video Do not make the robot angry when he is on duty, even if you are a demon.)
Technical Details
Technical details
Low Poly Model: Robocorp_t_900
Technical details
Rendering: Unreal Engine 4
The version used is UnrealEngine 4.18.3.
Sculpting: Zbrush Retopology: 3DCoat Texturing: Substance Painter UV Map: RizomUV Animation and Rigging Maya
leather: (5)
It is advisable to use a shader with two-sided display of polygons in the model.
The model contains 6 standard animations for presentation.
Added bones for the jaw: jaw, jaw4, jaw5.
Equipped with: (Yes)
Adapted to Epic Skeleton: (yes)
When mounted on an epic skeleton, IK bones are enabled: (yes)
Animation with standard animation: (Yes)
Number of characters: 1
Triangles: 130,000
Vertices: 88,000
Number of materials and copies of materials: m12
Number of textures: 12
Texture resolution: (textures 4096 4096 (.tga) Albedo Normal (DirectX) Occlusion + Roughness + Metallic).
Supported development platforms: Windows: (Yes) Mac: (Yes)
Supported Engine Versions
4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3