Runtime ArtGizmo

This code plug-in enable you using the gizmo tool to translate, rotate and scale objects in the PIE , standalone games and shipping or packaged builds.

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This code plug-in enable you using the gizmo tool to translate, rotate and scale objects in the PIE , standalone games and shipping or packaged builds.

Showcase Video

Executable Demo

Translate: support unified scale, axis scale and edge scale

Scale: supports axis translation and plane translation

Rotation: axis rotation

stretch: stretch in twelve directions

It’s very simple to use. You don’t need to write code or blueprints. All you have to do is to enable this plug-in, and it will automatically have gizmo functions.

Technical Details

1. Add a new interface [ IArtGizmoEventInterface ] interface:

1) : [ OnActorClicked] returns EActorSelectionMode, indicating whether to select an actor or a component

2) : [OnPreMove] here you can set your transform rules

3. Several global Blueprint functions have been added:

1) : [SetGizmoHandleType] sets whether the current gizmo displays translate, rotation, scale, etc.

2) : [SetGizmoCoordSystem] can set whether the coordinate system is global or local.

3) : [ShowMouseCursor] shows or hides the mouse

Number of C++ Classes:20

Supported Development Platforms: (Windows)

Supported Engine Versions

4.24 – 4.27, 5.2 – 5.3