Sci-fi Gunship

Driveable sci-fi gunship with animations and customiseable materials.

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High detailed sci-fi gunship model with LODs.

Features a pawn class with physics based movement.

Moving elements are skeletal meshes:

-wings movement works with animations and aim offset;

-minigun attachment is rigged and with physics simulated swinging gun belt;

-scanner is rigged and cycles trough idle animations if pawn is not possessed;

-antenna swings with movement;

…all elements are also imported as static meshes.

All mechanics are in the pawn blueprint so it can be easily possessed and unpossesed.

Materials are configurable, you can switch the camo texture with the ones available in the project or imported by you. You can also remove the camo and leave a clean color, configured by color overlay.

Basic hit effects from starter content, are played upon impact.

Note: In order for input to work in your custom project you have to setup the Axis Mappings. Go to Project Settings>Input>Bindings. From there add several Axis Mappings named:



-Turn (for mouse)

-LookUp (for mouse)

-TurnRate (for gamepads)

-LookUpRate (for gamepads)

Afterwards, for each Axis Mapping, select Add Axis Mapping to Group and your respective input

Example: For the MoveForward axis I would add ‘W’ with a scale of 1 and ‘S’ with a scale of -1 for Keyboard support.

And Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis with a scale of 1, for gamepad support.

Technical Details


For complete gunship: 109 595

Number of Assets:

Blueprints: 3

Animation Blueprints and Aim Offsets: 3

Meshes: 37

Materials and Material Instances: 26

Textures: 44

Animations (with single key poses): 11

Memory Weight:

Size of all textures loaded for a single gunship: 16 556 KB

Size of all meshes loaded for a single gunship: 12 913 KB


Simple objects have generated collision

Complex ones have custom


For static meshes: LODs are auto generated and setupped to have a minimal popping effect;

For skeletal meshes: LODs are imported

Texture Sizes:

a complete set of 4k textures

a complete set of 1K textures

decals are 512×512

environment textures: 1K to 128×128

Supported Input: Keyboard + Mouse, Gamepad

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Consoles

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.2