Sci Fi Military Towers

Sci Fi Military Towers (Asset Pack) with VFX & SFX

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The project is made as a modular constructor to give your future scene maximum variety.

  ★ This asset pack includes 3 types of towers:


        ↪ Tesla CoilShowcase VideoDocumentation

        ↪ Prism TowerShowcase VideoDocumentation

        ↪ Sci Fi Shield & BarrierShowcase VideoBlueprints PreviewDocumentation


✎ Update 17 July 2022 : Correct blueprint scaling



        ↪ High Resolution Textures (Atlases)

        ↪ Meshes with FWN (Face Weighted Normals)

        ↪ Customizable procedural base materials (Master Material)

        ↪ Quick color and material adjustments

        ↪ Parallax Materials Instances

        ↪ Vertex Paint

        ↪ Unique Sounds Effects

        ↪ Particles


Technical Details


      ◩ Nanite & Lumen Support: [✔] (see documentation)


 ★ Blueprints: 24

 ★ Blueprints (Interface): 1

 ★ Blueprints (Component): 2

 ▼ Static Meshes: 57

      ↪ Vertex Count: 8 to 117120

      ↪ Scaled to Epic Skeleton: [✔]

      ◩ LODs: [✔] automatically generated

      ▨ Collision: [✔]

 ► Animations: 1

 ♫ Sound(s): 28

 ♫ Sound(s) (Cue): 23

 ♫ Sound(s) (Attenuation): 2

 ▩ Material(s): 9

 ▩ Material(s) (Instance): 12

 ▦ Texture(s): 6

 ▦ Textures (Atlases):

      ↪ ACH Atlas (AO + Curvature + Heightmap) – 8K

      ↪ Emission Atlas – 8K

      ↪ ID Atlas – 8K

      ↪ NormalMap Atlas – 8K

      ↪ Decal Atlas – 2K

 ☢ Particle(s): 6

 ◉ Map(s): 1

 ☯ Engine Compatibility: 4.26 – 5+

 ✎ Documentation Included: [✔]

 ❖ Supported Development Platforms:

      ↪ Windows: [✔]

      ↪ Mac: [✔]

      ↪ Linux: [✔]

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3