SciFi Gun Vol-2 SMG

Here have 1 submachine gun,3 Accessories and Third Person Shooter Mode

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SciFi Gun Vol-2 SMG List:

Demo Player Character Blueprint System List:

1.Stand Crocuh Prone System

2.Stand Crocuh Prone Play Animations 

3.Jump,Walk,Run and Sprint InputAction

4.Equip Primary Gun and Secondary Gun

5.EquipGun,UnequipGun,Aiming and Firing System

6.EquipGun,UnequipGun,Aiming and Firing Play Animations

7.Camera Third Person ,First Person and Aim Down Sight

8.Spread Crosshair Widget

9.Reload System

10.Pick Up Gun System

11.Drop Gun System

12.Aiming Clipping Wall auto back to Equip Gun System

Submachine Gun Blueprint System List:

1.Automatic Firing

2.Attachment Accessories System

3.Change Gun Skin System

4.Firing Spawn Bullet

5.Firing Sound Cue

6.Firing Gun Play Animation

7.Firing Muzzle Flash VFX

8.Eject Bullet Casing Simulate Physics System

9.Gun Relaod Play Animation

10.Magazine Drop Floor System

11.Ammo Widget

12.Current Ammo

13.Max Ammo

14.Pick Up Full Ammo

15.Shooting Range

16.Shooting Damage Min,Max

17.Shooting Recoil Min,Max

18.Fire Rate

Gun Accessories Blueprint System List:

1.Attachment Accessories Widget

2.Remove Accessories System

3.Flash Light

4.Flash Light On/Off

5.Laser Sight

6.Hologram Red Dot Sight

Enemy AI Blueprint System List:

1.Player Hit Enemy AI get Score System 

2.A.I Health Bar

3.Head Shoot er AI One Shoot System


Technical Details

Technical Information

Feature (39)

Texture Size ( 2048X2048 Texture )

Collision (No)

LOD (high poly LOD2,middle poly LOD1,

low poly LOD0.)

Number of static mesh (44)

Number of materials (74)

Number of material Instance (93)

Number of texture (2048X2048=Texture 130)(below 2048X2048=Texture 6)

(4096X4096=Texture 4)

Number of skeleton mesh (10)

Number of character animation (45)(reverse or edit 42)

Number of character animation montage (11)

Number of character aim offset (3)

Number of animation blueprint (2)

Number of character blend space (9)

Number of gun animation (6)

Number of ai animation (8)

Number of blueprint class (31)

Number of Enumeration (3)

Number of Structure (1)

Number of Widget blueprint (8)

Number of sound wave (7)

Number of sound cue (8)

Number of VFX (4)

Supported Development Platforms:



Supported Engine Versions

5.2 – 5.3