SenseSystem is a flexible, extensible, and multi-functional system for detecting and responding to the detection of game objects in UnrealEngine. The ease of implementation and fine-tuning makes it suitable for projects of the most diverse genres from shooters, strategies, and to arcade ones. Allow the player or AI to interact with the entire game world.
Its purpose is an alternative to existing systems in the engine such as AIPerception, PawnSensing, and EQS. SenseSystem has better performance, a wider range of tasks, more features, is simpler, and it’s universal to use.
Technical Details
SenseSystem has all the features of AIPerception, PawnSensing and some functions of EQS, a system that currently detects targets with increased performance. The physical engine is not used to detect overlapping detection zones. The number of targets for detection can be very large, thousands of simultaneously detected targets. There are all standard sensor sets, such as vision, touch, noise, distance.
The system has a built-in reaction function for detecting both the detector and the target, which is implemented through delegates.
The scope is not limited only to AI-perception, the system is also easily integrated into any system of interaction between an arbitrary object and the environment, interaction with objects without direct guidance, selecting objects with the cursor and interaction with groups of objects.
The system is designed for customization in both c++ and blueprints
(The example project build clearly demonstrate the features, and it is available at the link below.)
Number of Blueprints: 0, but have blueprintable c++ classes
Number of c++ Classes: >50
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64, Win32, Mac, Linux, PS4, XboxOne
Doc and Example Project Discord
Supported Engine Versions
4.22 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3