Shooting Prototype is a very complete prototype for a shooting game, includes advanced features with advanced artificial intelligence and 3 demo game modes, you can learn a lot as well as depart from this prototype as it forms the basis of a shooting game. Now with a Story Mode kit
New: Spectador / Using for a game / Custom Mode (Restart) / Intelligent Systems: Optimized Interaction / New: AI Check Point / More Tactical Bot (On The Way)
Demo: SP (Does not include InfinityBlade characters or Grenade Throwing Animation)
Other videos (older):
We work as long as possible to solve any existing error (even the most insignificant), if you have an error please report it in enough detail to work on it. (Coming soon for multiplayer)
-Shooting System
Almost Immediate Creation and Configuration of Weapons and Projectiles
Advanced Shooting
Switch between FMJ Shells and Tracer Projectiles
Visual and Sound Effects
Damage Reduction By Distance
Projectile Fall
Advanced Accuracy
Recoil and Impulse
Shotgun Shot (Adjustable Pellet Quantity)
Shooting Mode (Semi-Automatic, Automatic, Bursts, and Single Shot)
Gun Animation (Without the use of animations)
Advanced Recharge
Bot Shooting
Ready for Weapons with Static mesh and Skeleton
-Damage System
Advanced Damage
Impact Zone Detection
Advanced Shielding
Critical Damage
Death Using Animations and Ragdoll
Quick and Ready to Add Weapons
-Advanced Bots (Allies/Enemies)
Bots That Can See, Listen and Feel The Damage
Bots Recognize New Enemies By Proximity
Bots Recognize Distance
Bots Can Change Your Destiny
Bots Fire Less Frequently Depending on Distance (Duration and Frequency Can Be Adjusted)
Bots That Recharge
Bots Seek Their Enemies
Advanced Motion Bots (No Coverage)
Bot Intelligence Specifies Based on The Weapon You Carry and Custom Shots
-Repetitive Game Mode System
Start of Departure
Starting Restart
Player/Bot Check in Action (Statistics)
Victoria’s Condition
-Basic Inventory System
-IronSight System (Without The Use of an Animation Asset)
-Advanced and Optimized Interaction System
-Grenade Launch System (Inventory)
-Smart Weapons Inventory
-Extra: Draw/Draw System, Zombie Bots (AI), Professional Shooting Attenuation and Basic Chrome Materials System.
And probably even more…
Advanced landmine installation
Variety of Bots (Advanced)
Maximum safety laser system
Custom Bot Generator
System of traps and ambushes, among others
Locking system of doors and chests
Level preload
Checkpoint and autosave
Activity “Arena”
AI Check Point
Tactical Bot (Update: Bot)
AI Hideaway
Content Information:
4 Collision Channels (In Use)
127 Blueprints (6 Blueprint Bases/2 Game Mode/1 Game Instance)
7 Behavior Tree + 6 Blackboard Data
3 Interfaces + 14 Enumerations + 10 Structures
32 Widgets
2 Animation Blueprints
56 Pictures
+54 Assets (4 Example Static Mesh/37 Materials (5 Functions)/4 Attenuation/9 Physical Materials)
Other assets & blueprints of levels and tutorials
AnimStarterPack + StarterContent + Paragon Assets as an example.
Technical Details
Shooting System
Damage System
Multi-Game Mode System
Interaction System
Inventory System
Smart Bots (AI)
Grenade System
Virtual Purchasing System
Bomb Installation and Deactivation System (AI included)
Holster/Draw System
Healing System
Story Mode Kit (Much More)
Number of Blueprints: 127 (6 Blueprint Bases/2 Game Mode/1 Game Instance)
Input: Keyboard & Mouse
Network Replicated: No (Soon)
Supported Development Platforms: PC 64-bits
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Documentation: (Updated)
Important/Additional Notes: It is very advanced, I recommend a reading before modifying. Requires redesigning navigation (Built Paths).
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3