Simple Save Game

Save system with Slot management, highly intuitive and simple-to-use

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This plugin allows developers to easily implement save game functionality in their Unreal Engine projects. With a few simple clicks, you can set up a system to save and load player progress, game states, and other important data.

Optimized save game and simple to use. Have multiple blueprints to save character (name, location, level, inventory, …), scene and level, custom save can store multiple values. It includes customizable widgets, images, fonts.

To use the plugin, simply call blueprint function or add character save into your player character. You can then call the save and load functions from your Blueprints or C++ code to easily manage your game’s save data.

The plugin also includes a variety of customizable widgets and fonts to help you create a cohesive and visually appealing save game system for your players. With just a few clicks, you can set up your own unique save game menus and displays.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me at

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 4

Number of Widgets: 10

Number of C++ Classes: 15

Background image from Free Pixel Art Forest, by Edermunizz

Used Fonts: Hazelnut

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac

Tuto Installation :

Save Health/damage and respawn location tuto :

Save inventory tuto:

Navigate level tuto:

Updated Demo: Simple save game

Github Project Repo:

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3