Skeleton Zombies

Two Skeleton Zombie models, each with 8 skins. Two variants – One Mesh and broken to Body parts for dismemberment. Open Mouth Morph Target.

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Two Skeleton Zombie models, each with 8 PBR skins for a total of 16 variants.

Skinned and rigged to Epic Skeleton.

A sample map based on Third Person Example.

Open Mouth Morph Target for easy animations.

NO ZOMBIE ANIMATIONS are included. You can use any animations that work with Epic Skeleton. In the asset there are some Third person animations by Epic.

Two versions of each model are included, one is the model as One Mech, the other is model separated to Body Parts, to be used with Dismemberment Systems. WARNING! No dismemberment system is included!

Example Blueprints for One Mech and Body Parts versions.

Animations and Materials Test (Unity)


The video uses Zombie Basic – MoCap Pack . They have more Zombie Packs, check them out!

Sketchfab Model BA

Sketchfab Model BB

Technical Details

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes


Rigged to Epic skeleton: Yes

Animated: No ( Third person animations by Epic are included)

Number of characters: 2

Vertex counts of characters: ~3800

Texture Resolutions: 2048×2048

Number of Animations: 8 (Third person animations by Epic)

Animation types: In-place

Supported Development Platforms: Windows PC /MAC

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows PC /MAC/XBox1/PS4/Android/IOS

Documentation: Short Notes inside the pack.

Supported Engine Versions

4.19 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3