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The SpaceShips Vol.4 Package includes 4 unique Large Ships; including a Cruiser ship, Two Frigates, a Dreadnought, and an aiming blueprint laser turret. It also includes 4 Missiles and 2 Mines.

Designed for team-based gameplay the package includes 5 colors for each ship: Black, White, Red, Blue, Yellow & Green. Each Ship comes with 2 to 3 LOD levels depending on the the vertex count.

Materials have been designed for maximum customization, and include detail normal maps, roughness maps, baked in glow lighting & colored texture variations.

Each ship also includes its own blueprint that allow you to change paint color, rocket flare color, and thruster intensity. The rocket flare intensity is adjusted with a simple float variable; which affects brightness, opacity & size of the rocket flare – along with the intensity of its baked lighting in the texture for added realism. The turret is composed of 4 separate meshes allowing for rotational animations.

For added value, the package also includes a simple space environment with a realistic desert planet material with an 8k cloud texture, and flickering stars.

Technical Details


Texture Sizes:

Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, Auto Generated

Vertex Counts: 

Cruiser GX5 = 18,600 to 5,770

Dreadnought MB1 = 14,700 to 3,150

Frigate BE2 = 21,660 to 3,000

Laser Turret BE2 (combined meshes) = 1500

Light Frigate GK3 = 9,050 to 3,352

Weapons = 1070 to 350


LODs: 1 to 3 depending on vertex count

Number of Meshes: 23

Rigged or Animated: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 43

Number of Textures: 32

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Mac, Windows, Playstation 4, Xbox One

Documentation: In Blueprints

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3