This Sperm Whale comes with a procedural spline animation system that produces dynamic acceleration, turning and rolling along splines. The whale’s mouth optionally opens when it nears the player or animates on its own. The whale also makes its natural ‘clicking noises’ at random intervals (4 sounds included), and the package also contains an underwater background sound with a school of sperm whales for added ambiance. It comes with an additional ‘white whale’ material, for potential Moby Dick experiences.
The package includes an idle animation, a swimming animation & 3 Poses, combined in a Blendspace that animates the Whale’s movement. It comes with 4 LODs and a range of adjustable blueprint settings allowing maximum customization.
The Material parent has been planned in advance to allow maximum tweaking so you can adjust your material instances with complete control.
Additionally, a demo scene has been included with Underwater PostProcess Settings, Caustic Lighting, Fog, & Depth of Field, along with many Whales with their paths set up, demonstrating what can be accomplished with the Spline Blueprint.
Technical Details
– Idle
– Swim
– Pose Left
– Pose Right
– Pose Mouth Open
Spline Animation Blueprint controls:
– Starting Distance along the spline
– Toggle dynamic speed or maintain a constant speed.
– Toggle whether mouth opens near player
– Mesh Scale
– Show Spline
– Animation play rates for slow and fast
– Animation Acceleration & Deceleration
– Distance for mouth to start opening
– Timing for how long to swim slow and fast
– Randomness multiplier of timing
– Movement speed acceleration & deceleration
– Movement speeds for slow and fast
– Intensity of rolling around corners
– Non-Dynamic speed, play rate & intensity
– Roll, rotation & movement smoothing values
– 1 Skeletal mesh
– A realistic Physics Asset for ragdoll effects (includes throat bone for flubber movement)
– A BlendSpace combined with 4 animations
– 2 Texture types (Black and Albino)
– 1 Parent Material and 2 Material Instances
Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes
Rigged: Yes
Rigged to Epic skeleton: No
Animated: Yes
Number of characters: 1
Number of Animations: 5
Animation types: In-place
Vertex counts of characters:
Texture Resolutions:
5x 4096
2x 1024
2x 512
Supported Platforms: Desktop PC / Mac / Xbox 1/ PS4 / HTC Vive / Oculus Rift
Documentation Included: Yes, in Blueprints
Supported Engine Versions
4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3