SplitScreen Template

SplitScreen Template with 4 character classes, 2 weapon classes & AI. Utilizing the Animation Starter Pack for the Characters.

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Simple & easy to use & understand with plenty of comment boxes to explain the nodes & their use. The only real complicated Blueprints is the Character, Weapons, & AnimBP’s, which I’ve constructed in a neat & orderly fashion for ease of understanding. This template will give the user a good understanding of how to construct an animation Blueprint using the Animation Starter Pack. AI have been added to give the players the option of Team Match play where they can hunt down the AI OR just as an additional obstacle in a Death Match scenario. Head, Body & Leg shots are now added to the characters, head shots will cause the most damage. Ragdoll has been added on death as well, enjoy. Additionally I want to stress that this is NOT just a buy and forget template, buyers can contact me at anytime, I WILL be here to provide information & help asap.

Technical Details


Number of Blueprints: 32

Input: Game-pad, Keyboard & Mouse

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: Windows

Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows

Documentation: A HowThisWorks widget that gives an overview of how it works

Important/Additional Notes: No C++, Can be packaged/cooked, Contact me for help anytime.

YouTube: https://youtu.be/VvTjylLja9s

Supported Engine Versions

4.16 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3