Statue Pack Animals Vol1

Life sized statues or table top props.

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Collection of 10 different static animal statues each with unique textures, scaled to real life size. Can be used as statues within a town or easily scaled down as table top props.

Bull + 5 textures variants

Bull base removeable + 1 Texture variants

Dog + 5 textures variants

Ram + 1 Texture variants

Fish + 4 texture variants

Turtle + 1 Texture variants

Turtle Base removeable + 2 Texture variants

Bear + 3 Texture Variants

Bear Base Removeable + 3 Texture Variants

Moose + 1 Texture Variants

Owl + 2 Texture Variants

Mounted Blue Marlin + 1 Texture Variants

Humpback Whale + 1 Texture Variants

Each texture has a 2k and 4k version

30 x 2k material Inst

30x 4k material Inst

180 Individual Texture maps

Optimised textures AO, Roughness, metallic packed into one map.

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 10 animals + 3 removable bases

Collision: Yes: Automatic

Vertex Count:

Bull: 154,108tris

BullBase: 2720tris

Dog: 143,200tris

Dog73k: + 73,162tri

Ram: 55,716tris

Fish: 60,258tris

Turtle: 42,380tris

TurtleBase: 11,008tris

Bear: 96,852 tris

BearBase: 14,696Tris

MarlinFish: 24,502tris

Owl: 58,242 Tris

Whale: 74,880 tris

Moose: 120,952 tris

LODs: Yes. Automatic

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

1 Master Material

30x2k inst

30x4k inst

Number of Textures:

180 total maps

Texture Resolutions: 2k+4k for each model.

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: yes

Mac: unsure.

Important/Additional Notes: I recommend using the 4k maps if you intend to use the props at full size. 2k is sufficient if you plan on scaling down for use as tabletop props.

Optimised textures, Ambient occlusion, roughness and metallic, packed into one map.




Dog includes a half res mesh that can be used if wanted, makes basically no visual difference once textured.

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3