Stylized Graveyard PBR Asset Pack Vol.01

Stylized «Graveyard» PBR Asset Pack Vol.01 includes Models, Prefabs with all textures, materials.

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This Pack includes Models, Prefabs with all textures, and materials.

Assets are made with PBR standard with 2K quality textures.

Stylized «Graveyard» PBR Asset Pack Vol.01

Technical Details

For meshes, use dynamic shadows.

Number of Unique Meshes: 64

Collision: Yes automatically generated.

Vertex Count: (Tris)

Barrel_001 = 592

Bench_001 = 157

Block_001_002 = 28-76

Ground, Dish, Cloth, Book_001 = 40-68

Box_001 = 284

Brick_001_005 = 20-44

Candle_001_003 = 86-102

Cart_001 = 916

Coffin_001_ 006 = 80-190

Coffin_007_01_004 = 68-92

Constructions_001_004 = 30-1734

Fence_001_002 = 52-254

Jug_001_002 = 158

Lamp_001_01_05 = 48-960

Lamp_002 = 224

Moss_001 = 20

Portal_001_003 = 68-840

Portal_Rock_001_006 = 80 (*6 items)

Props_001_003 = 100-168

Rock_007 = 24

Scroll_001 = 108

Shovel_001 = 604

Torch_001 = 124

Tree_001_002 = 1246-1790

Tree_003_005 = 502-732

LODs: No

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 13 Atlases + 3 Master Materials

Number of Textures: 58

Texture Resolutions: 2K 2048/2048

(BaseColor, Metallic, Normal, Roughness):

Atlas_001; Atlas_002; Atlas_003; Atlas_004; Atlas_005; Constructions_003; Props_001; Tree_002_003; Tree_004_005

(BaseColor, Normal, Roughness):

Coffin_001_006, Constructions_001, Portal_001;

(AO, BaseColor, Normal):


(AO, BaseColor, Metallic, Normal, Roughness):

Grass_001, Ground_001

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Support: e-mail –

Supported Engine Versions
