Ahoy, Me Hearties!
Create your own Pirate game. These Pirate themed props with hand-painted textures will help you forward on your way to succes to conquer the seven seas.
The pack includes aged and clean versions for most meshes. Aged and clean are the same meshes but with a different material. The bottles have an open version and versions with corks or seals. Total number of meshes is about 70 (54 unique). Some meshes are combined in an actor Blueprint. For example the candle and flame sprite-sheet are combined into a Blueprint actor with some spotlights that flicker like a candle. In this Blueprint public variables can be manipulated for intensity, radius and color.
The parrot can change colors with the use of Material Instances. It has a simple sidestep animation.
Watch this video to see all the props:
Technical Details
Number of Unique Meshes: 54
Collision: Yes, Automatically generated
Vertex Count: 12 – 18.848 (most meshes have a low count, only the treasure has much detail)
LODs: No
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 47
Number of Textures: 36
Texture Resolutions:
Masks: 1024×1024, 2048×2048
Diffuse Color: 1024×1024, 2048×2048
Flame Sprite sheet: 1024×1024
Normal: 2048×2048
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux, PlayStation 4, PS4/Morpheus, Xbox One, Oculus, SteamVR/HTC Vive
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, OSX, Linux, PlayStation 4, PS4/Morpheus, Xbox One, Oculus, SteamVR/HTC Vive
Documentation: Comments in Blueprints where needed
Important/Additional Notes: NA
Supported Engine Versions
4.23 – 4.27