Stylized Shooting VFX Niagara (Muzzle – Bullet Trail – Impact)
3 Different AR Muzzle Flash (Infinite and once versions)
1 Sniper Rifle Muzzle Flash
1 Rocket Launcher Shooting FX
1 Grenade Ribbon Trail
1 Rocket Trail FX
1 Explossion FX
3 Different Bullet Trails
2 Different Impact FX
Totally 17 Nigara FX
Technical Details
Type of Emitters: NIAGARA CPU
Number of Unique Effects: 17
Number of Materials: 12
Number of Textures: 9
Number of Unique Meshes: 11
Supported Development Platforms: PC-MAC-LINUX- PS4 – XBOX
Supported Engine Versions
4.25 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3