Symbol Recognizer VR

This plugin is designed for recognizing drawn patterns in gameplay. It creates and trains neural networks that can recognize player’s input as Vector 2D/3D and test it against learned patterns.

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WARNING: 5.1.0 engine version has issues with widget intaractions for VR input ( The issue is FIXED in 5.1.1 version.

The tool provides an environment for recording patterns that can be recognized during game, e.g. unlock doors or cast a spell if the drawing is accurate enough.

Showcase Video

Demo Project Video: Link

Tutorial Video: Playlist1. Editor, 2. Runtime, 3. Game

Demo Project: Link

The plugin is divided into four sections that guide users through the process of creating a neural network:

Once a profile with working neural network is complete, users can do a simple gameplay setup in blueprints or code. The idea is to record the user’s input in-game as Vector2D for mouse or Vector3D for motion controller, and then identify which learned pattern matches the user’s drawing.

All of the gameplay functionality is exposed to the blueprints by a global object ‘SrVRRecognizer‘ and a basic implementation may follow those steps:

Note: Even though there are simple examples in the tool showing how to paint in 3D using Niagara or 2D onto a mesh with CanvasRenderTarget, the plugin is not about visualizing a drawing effect in-game and it’s up to the user to add any visual effects if necessary. The core feature is about recording player’s input as Vector 2D/3D and testing it against trained neural network.

Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 15

Number of C++ Classes: 35

Network Replicated: No

Documentation: Inside the plugin as a tutorial displayed in the details panel.

Example Project: SrVRDemo

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.3