Texture Painter

This pack gives you the ability to paint directly onto assets. There are 2 versions. An in-editor version with lots of options for baking out textures you paint, and a game-ready version which you can use to either paint colours, or drive effects.

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This pack allows you to paint Diffuse, Metallic, Specular, Roughness, Emissive, Opacity, Normalmap and Displacement map textures directly inside the Unreal engine and export the textures, Or use a Colour and MSR texture in game to control different aspects of your materials.

** In Game Painter **

This is similar to the editors painter, but it has simplified basics for performance reasons. You can pick your texture size and if you want to bake 1 or 2 textures out. By default these are a Colour texture, and an MSR texture (Metal, Specular, Roughness). However, you can use these channels in various ways to achieve different effects on your object. The blueprint that is used for this painting also supports mobility, so you can have physics objects that interact with the world leaving a trail behind it, or painting on its own surface.

There are a variety of examples provided to show different ways this setup can be used.

Features of the In-Game version

You can see a full run-through of the features for the in-game version at this link: Youtube Link

** In Editor Painter **

A variety of options are available to use. There is a undo-redo system in place allowing you to add up to 15 undo’s if needed. Brushes are fully customizable (you can add custom brushes as well), and a variety of brushes are included to give you some options on how to interact with the colour/height/normalmap information. There is a built in ‘mirroring’ function for the X, Y and Z axis, and each individual texture can be exported as a .EXR files. These files can be imported directly into Unreal, or Photoshop for further editing. There is also an option to combine various black and white textures into a single image using the RG and B channels individually.

Features of the In-Editor version

Important Note: If you open the test level and experience weird visual issues with the post processing, you might need to enable “Custom Depth-Stencil Pass”. To do this, go into your projects settings, go to “Rendering”, and under ‘Post Processing’ you’ll see an option to enable “Custom Depth-Stencil Pass”. Be sure to pick “Enable with Stencil”. This will allow the post processing to work correctly.

You can see a full run-through of all the features available for the ‘In Editor Painter’ version at this link: Youtube Link

Technical Details

The ability to paint diffuse, metallic, specular, roughness, emissive, opacity, normal maps and displacement maps directly within the editor, or paint a diffuse and MSR texture during gameplay.

The following features are available.

The game version is simplified, but fast. It allows for 2 textures to be baked, but limits a few features compared to the in-editor version to allow for better performance within the game itself.

Number of Blueprints: 12

Network Replicated: No

Documentation: You can find an hour long flythrough of the In-Engine painting tool here: Youtube Link

And a flythrough of the In-Game painting tool here: Youtube Link

You can get further details on the tool at my website here: Texture Painter Link

Important/Additional Notes: HDR images are sourced from HDRIHaven.com

Supported Engine Versions

4.22 – 4.27, 5.1 – 5.3