The Great War Weapons Pack

The Great War Weapons Pack is a collection of famous weaponry of the British Empire.

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Eye Candy’s The Great War Weapons Pack is a collection of famous weaponry of the British Empire. Exhibiting technology used across the war, the pack contains the bolt action SMLE Mark 3 Rifle with removable Pattern 1907 Bayonet, the Mills hand grenade, the deadly Lewis and Vickers machine guns. Both of these MG’s are animated and come packaged with custom mesh particles for both the ejecting spent .303 shells and muzzle flashes. These guns also feature optional add-ons which increase their authenticity and functionality. The stationary turret Vickers machine gun features it’s essential foldable tripod, ammunition crate and water can for barrel cooling. We have also included a physics based ammo belt which feeds this gun dynamically as you pan the Vickers around. Additionally we have included two German trench raiding weapons, the S98 Bayonet and the Bleckmann entrenching shovel. These combined with the British Pattern 1907 Bayonet allow for hand-to-hand encounters. All weapons are historically accurate and built to scale. This pack is designed to be flexible enough for all game types. All weapon textures are 2048 pixel and RMA packed keeping the package light without sacrificing realism. Blueprints are simple to read and properly commented allowing ease for user tweaking. This pack comes with actor Blueprints included allowing for easy set up in game. Simply drag and drop one of these into your scene to begin playing. The animations and Blueprints are built to be easily integrated into your existing combat system. All components of the Blueprints (particles, animations, bayonets, etc.) can be toggled on in the Details panel.

Technical Details

Built in 4.20


 3 Guns

2 Bayonets

1 Grenade

1 Shovel

2 Particles

Texture Sizes: 34 Textures (All contain 3 Textures: Albedo, Normal and RMA Pack unless said otherwise)

Number of Meshes: 17

British 303 Shell: 241 vertices

British Grenade Mills: 1796 vertices

German Bayonet S98: 314 vertices

German Shovel Bleckmann: 308 vertices

British 303 ammo belt: 1890 verticies

British 303 ammo belt empty: 474 vertices

British MG Vickers: 75,218 vertices

British MG Vickers AmmoBox: 2464 vertices

British MG Vickers Tripod: 3141 vertices

British MG Vickers Tripod Top: 4621

British MG Vickers Water Can: 1898 vertices

Vickers Hose: 103 vertices

British Bayonet Pattern 1907: 1009 vertices

British Rifle SMLE: 7224 vertices

British MG Lewis: 18384 vertices

British MG Lewis Bipod: 3102 vertices

British MG Lewis Magazine (with bullets): 17246 vertices

LODs: No

Supported Engine Versions

4.21, 4.23 – 4.24, 4.26