Torture Pack

The torture package consists of modular structures and includes animations. Additional modular parts have been created in animation-appropriate structures.

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The torture package consists of modular structures and includes animations. Additional modular parts have been created in animation-appropriate structures.

You can use them as props in your games and create a number of additional extra-scenes from them.

It has been scaled in accordance with the mannequin form.

Technical Details

Physical Based Rendering (Yes)

BaseColor / RGB Mask (Roughness / Metallic / Ambient Occlusion) / Normal Map

Number of Unique Meshes: 10

Collision: (Custom, Automatically Generated)

LODs: (Yes / Auto Generate LOD 4)

Number of Materials : 1

Material Instances: 14

Number of Textures: 49

Textures Sizes 2048×2048 to 1024×1024

Map: 2

Supported Development Platforms: (PC, Mac, Console, VR, AR)

Supported Target Build Platforms: (PC, Mac, Console, VR, AR)

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3