The Trailmarker captures and displays markings from objects on different surfaces. Activate when a specified class or actor is inside its area of influence. It can display markings to a decal or inside the material of receiving components with the help of a material function. Optimized and with features and options that let it adapt to most scenes and environments.
Disclaimer: Quixel art assets (Plants, grass, trees and textures on images and in videos) are not included in this product.
Videos (Youtube)
Trailer (0.31min)
Demo Room (2.05min)
Overview (15min)
Demo Room: Windows x64 (152mb)
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 4 ( 1x Actor, 1x Function Library, 1x Actor Component ) ( Example: 1x Actor )
Number of Materials: 7 ( 5x Trailmarker 1x Decal Example 1x Material Function Example )
Number of Material Instances: 9
Number of Material Functions: 3
Number of Structures: 5
Number of Enumerations: 6
Number of Textures: 4 ( 3x mask samples (x3, one mask for each r,g and b channel), 1x icon )
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: Yes
Mac: No
Important/Additional Notes: Recommend to make sure your characters are lifting their feet over the surface if planning to use this tool for footprints.
Supported Engine Versions
4.24 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3