Trees and Shrubs – Vol. 3 (Extreme Realistic Wind)

Trees and shrubs with dynamic wind system

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Get the ‘Big Forest Pack’ now with the latest 2.6 update, which adds the brand new asset ‘Trees Vol. 5 Maple Trees’ and get an additional 12% discount on the already reduced price!

This offer is valid until November 28th!

December 13, 2022

2.0 Update + UE 5.1 is now live!

Buy now and get the next update with new features like the High Poly Tree version as well as the ultra realistic wind. In addition, with the upcoming update you will get a ‘Simple Wind’ version as a bonus which brings a much better performance and is therefore also very suitable for gaming. And the best part: The new simple wind tree version will even use 90% less GPU memory!


NEW TUTORIAL (November 27, 2023)

This video shows the Big Forest pack 2.0, but the functions are the same!

More Screenshots / Videos

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What’s next?

With another update the leaf meshes of selected trees will be reworked and visually improved for 5.1. The flat shapes of the leaves will thus disappear completely…

At the same time, the wind animations will look drastically more realistic!

Strong Wind Demo (was made before the 2.0 update!)

Strong Wind Demo Fall (was made before the 2.0 update!)

Gameplay Video – July Update 2021 (was made before the 2.0 update!)

Single Mesh Overview Please note that the video shows all trees from Vol.1-Vol.4!

Mixed Wind Demo (was made before the 2.0 update!)

Please note:

The ‘Big Forest Pack‘ exclusively gets a lot of additional content with this update:

– a huge 66 square kilometer map

– extended wind system

– roads

– ‘Global foliage actor’ BP via which all important settings can be easily controlled

– rocks / stones

– A massive building

- distance meshes (mountains)

– A bunch of additional maps with the most beautiful scenes!

More info about the 2.0 update:

All assets get the extended wind system, as well as simplified autumn and winter (snow) options.

All assets will receive improved lighting exposure with Lumen and improved Imposters for UE4.26-5.0, which makes a significant difference!

The update for 5.1 with compatible Nanite meshes is also included in the big update and the exposure settings have been adjusted again especially for 5.1

In addition, the 2.0 update will add a variety of grass plants, as well as visually high-quality grass.

This makes a huge visual difference.

A new tutorial and other new media content will follow soon!

For further questions please come to our Discord!

Check out the ‘Greenleaf Vision‘ YT channel.

Please note that Vol. 3 contains more simplified tree meshes!

There are already clouds included, but you can download more beautiful clouds HERE for free!

To achieve the same lighting conditions (images / videos), you should use the ‘Volumetric Clouds’!

Volumetrics is already enabled in the project. So you can use the clouds directly on any included map!

This quality asset contains 19 trees in different variations with realistic wind animations, 12 shrubs, 16 small plants, some branches and some grass. Choose between summer, autumn and leafless tree variant. Moreover, you have various options to configure the wind strength and the wind animation speed (light / strong breeze, mixed wind and random wind). Some maps already contain a few different camera perspectives. The most beautiful scenes were selected for this.

The bark texture can be replaced with a custom texture for each tree! You can choose between four different leaf types and change them very easily. An outstanding advantage of this asset is its uniqueness: Not only are the 8K/4K leaves of all the trees interchangeable, you are capable of dynamically configuring the colour of them as well.

The bent trees have exclusively ‘light breeze’ wind!

All maps use the new ‘SunSky’ Blueprint with different lighting scenes.

With the help of procedural foliage spawner types you can create big forests in seconds!

Feel free to visit my Discord to ask more questions:

Discord Server Support

Technical Details


Texture Sizes:

Collision: Yes, Custom and Generated

Vertex Count:

LODs: 4 + Impostor

Number of Meshes: 425

Number of Materials: 39 Master Materials, 1629 Material Instances

Number of Textures: 734

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, VR

Platforms Tested: PC

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3