Trees: Poplar Tree Biome

Photogrammetry based hires Poplar trees with nanite support, advanced wind system (up to individual leaves) and season feature, compatible with Megascans Trees.

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Runtime Demo UE5.1: Defect Poplar (Uses nVidia DLSS)



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If your project is using Ultra Dynamic Sky Asset and you want it to controll trees, just replace our global foliage actor with this one Global Foliage Actor and enable Ultra Dynamic Weather in blueprint Details.

Please make sure to enable Nanite, Lumen and Virtual Shadows in project Settings and update graphics drivers to a latest version.

Enabling Nanite Support

Enabling Lumen Support

Enabling Virtual Shadow Support

Requiers RTX graphics card 2060 or 3050 minimum

Target RTX 3080 – 60 fps

Tested on Windows 10, 11

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes:

Nanite Vertexes:

Number of Materials and Material Instances:

Number of Textures:

LODs: No (Intendet to use with Nanite, Fallback Mesh)

Collision: Accurate collisions

Texture Resolutions: Most of the textures 8k, terrain layers 4k

Supported Engine Versions

5.1 – 5.3