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Made by Eric from Hyper!
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V1 & V2
Please note the “V1” and “V2” labels on my assets. The v1 versions are my original versions and are based on UE4. If you are using UE5, I would always advise you to use the V2 version. The V2 versions are significantly changed architecturally and visually and are different products, however with the same goal. All original products will stay as is and if needed I supply bug fixes for them.
Advanced Dynamic Footstep System
The system is based on physical surface materials. Therefore It is easy to integrate with any project or landscape. You only need to drag and drop the premade physical materials to the object.
All logic is triggered by an animation notify within the animations.
Each anim notify will excecute the logic within the BP_Component_Footsteps
This component is attached within the character.
The most common surfaces are premade ad included in this project:
The footstep logic is based on several states:
Surface Type Switch
This system includes footstep effects. For instance, you want to leave footprints in snow and on the beach or have small dust particles near on movement.
Walking on sand
Leaves a trail with decals
Spawns small dust particle in sand color
Walking on grass
Spawns particle with dirt color
Walking on stone
Spawns small dust particle
Walking on snow
Leaves a trail with decals
Spawns particle with little snow dots and small white dust
Walking on wood
Spawns dust particle
Walking in water
Smooth ripple effects
Spawns splash particle
Puddle/Wet footsteps logic:
Your character can walk in the rain/or is wet from just out of water. Therefore the character can switch a Boolean to play water splash sounds with just a simple switch!
An example wet area is includes which enables footstep splash sounds together with their original surface sounds..
This can be triggered when the character is wet, walking in puddles or any other events.
The volume can be set in the BP_Component_Footsteps.
The splash sound can be disabled via the character event “Event enable footstep splash sound”
A weather system can be used for making the surfaces wet.
Cave Ambiance
A lot of games include case systems. You want the sounds within that cave have a special effect. Especially the footsteps.
A Cave Reverb Effect is included. This area has ambient cave sounds and a reverb effect for cave systems. You can hear the echo of the sounds.
Character logic:
Sprint, Run, Walk and Idle are included
Switch between Run and walk with Tab
Sprint with left shift.
Quality first:
The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.
Where possible:
– Complete and flexible, we include most common use-cases in our products.
– Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.
– Flawless integrations.
– Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.
– Extensive documentation, in code and in docs. Not only what happens by also why. We want you be able to learn.
– Production-ready.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 6
Network Replicated: Yes!
Documentation: Heavily commented blueprints and examples. Also an overview map with documentation. Besides that an active Discord community with one on one contact with the developer (That is me, Eric)
Important/Additional Notes: Some Epic games content used for example such as: water plane and thirdperson char.
Supported Engine Versions
4.20 – 4.27