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Made by Eric from Hyper!
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V1 & V2
Please note the “V1” and “V2” labels on my assets. The v1 versions are my original versions and are based on UE4. If you are using UE5, I would always advise you to use the V2 version (if available). The V2 versions are significantly changed architecturally and visually and are different products, however with the same goal. All original products will stay as is and if needed I supply bug fixes for them.
Ultimate Inventory System – From beginning to end
Slot system
Initial inventory
Nearly everything is driver from a datatable (inventory/crafting/equipment/etc.) I want it to be easy for you to to fill in your data table. I know it can be hard, especially if you have many items! Preferably you will want to use Excel if you have many items to be included. I’ve worked a lot to make that possible! I’ve created a clear an categorized Excel, you can simply only fill in the values that you requires. If you don’t need specific attributes, you can simply hide them! The excel and documentation on how to import/export can be obtained after verification.
Attribute manager
Many attributes have been defined and implemented for you.
They are defined in 6 main categories:
The attribute manager keeps track of attribute states:
Both of these values can be changes temporarily or persistent.
Implemented non persistent attributes:
It also includes active effects and state effects which are driven from a datatable. e.g. On fire, Cold, Drunk, Poisoned, Sick, Bleeding
Temporarily effects:
The attribute manager is able to assign attributes with a timer. This is perfect for RPG style potions or cool things like waterbreathing potions.
Level & Skill Manager
Define which skills there are.
Keep track of key statistics:
Add XP to a specific skill from wherever you want
Determine how much xp is required for the next level
(based on an algorithm so it is expanding gradually, but not too much.)
You can change this easily by tweaking the level growth factor.
You can do this for ALL skills or per specific skill.
It includes UI functionality for XP gains
Combat System
Basic Combat System as an example for the attribute display:
Weapon types
With the use of the BFL_UI_Theme you are able to easily change your UI
This pack includes hundreds and hundreds of amazing assets!
The assets are made so you can easily populate your game in no time with quality assets.
The assets are ranging from nearly every category you can think of.
I’ve created nearly all the assets myself.
However, to speed up the process I’ve also used some amazing assets from the public domain (cc0).
Sources are:
The best and nothing less. Our core principles keep our assets the top of what’s available.
Where possible:
– Complete and flexible, we include most common use-cases in our products.
– Data-Driven approach, so adapting is easy. We provide spreadsheets for mass edits.
– Flawless integrations.
– Blueprint only, so we keep it accessible for you and your complete team.
– Extensive documentation, in code and in docs. Not only what happens by also why. We want you be able to learn.
– Production-ready.
Technical Details
Number of Blueprints: 79
Number of Meshes: 319
Number of Materials: 151
Number of Textures: 876
Network Replicated: Yes
Important/Additional Notes: This system is very extensive and there may be hard to comprehend for beginners.
Supported Platforms:
Windows. It is assumed that it works fine on all platforms.
Support, community & Documentation :
Initial Support like bug encounters and online documentations are available after verification[Please note that docs are optional and web-based]. Easiest way is to access is Discord, but ofcourse also possible via mail.
The discord is a meeting place with forums setup per asset where other game developers with the same asset can discuss the use and also help each-other out including me (Eric) the developer.
All my blueprints are always heavily commented. Not only the what happens, but I try to explain why it happens.
The documentation of this asset also includes excel downloads.
Supported Engine Versions
4.20 – 4.27