Sorry for the delay. I’m working to get the sounds working with Unreal Engine 5’s new audio system. There will still be support for the legacy sound cues as well. There are some pretty cool things that can be done with these in the new audio system, but I’ll talk more about those in the forum thread.
What’s this
This collection contains 60 handcrafted bright and colorful sound effects, perfect for letting your user know they did great… or not so great in some cases. Whether they unlocked a new item or selected a choice, these sounds will add plenty of enthusiasm so that whatever they are doing, it will feel that much more satisfying.
What’s Included
-60 unique sounds in uncompressed 16 bit 44.1K .wav files.
If you have any questions or are having issues with any of the included items, please visit the support thread in the forum or email me as I am able to respond to either of these much more quickly.
Technical Details
60 Wave files
60 Sound Cue files
2 looping sounds
NOTE: These should work in any version of UE4 that supports Sound Cues.
Supported Engine Versions
4.21 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3