Ultimate Inventory and Equipment Component

Complete set of blueprints ready to be added to your project. Create extensive grid or slot based inventory, equipment, stash and vendor systems to enhance your game within minutes.

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Ultimate Inventory and Equipment Component (UIEC or UIC) is complete set of blueprints ready to be added to your project. Easily add mechanics such as inventory, equipment, stash and vendor to you game. You can create standard slot-based containers or more advanced grid-based ones.

Components work in both single and multiplayer games.

Technical Details

Playable demo: LINK

Documentation: LINK

Demonstration video: LINK

Discord: LINK

System consists of:

Additionally, demo has:

Input: Mouse

Network Replicated: Yes

Supported Development Platforms: Tested on Windows, but should work on other as well

Supported Target Build Platforms: Any that supports “clicking”

Additional Notes: This pack contains free icons from game-icons.net..

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3