A sound pack with multiple rain and thunder effects.
Technical Details
Demo: Youtube
Number of Audio Waves: 128 (64 in 22,050Hz and 64 in 44,100Hz).
Number of Audio Cues: 128 (64 in 22,050Hz and 64 in 44,100Hz).
Sample rate / bit rate: 22,050Hz and 44,100Hz.
Do Sound FX loop: Yes.
Minutes of audio provided: 1:27:00 (43:30 in 22,050Hz and 43:30 in 44,100Hz)
Supported Development Platforms:.
Important/Additional Notes: This pack belongs of larger sound effects collection named “Ultimate Sound Pack”, visit my Marketplace profile for view other packs of this collection.
Supported Engine Versions
4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3