Ultimate Surface Interactive Trace (Usit)

Capture Trails and draw deformation on surface, ready for snow / mud / sand) with Weather (Rain and snow)

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Showcase Video : https://youtu.be/pS2YFdOqs2Q

Tutorial: https://youtu.be/Qq04i9dROiU



Capture Trails and draw deformation on the surface, ready for snow/mud / sand) with Weather (Rain and snow)

Ultimate Surface Interactive Trace (Usit) is ready to use, no change code is needed

*****16/02/2022 Update to v1.1

-Add Weather (Rain and snow) Edit easy on select “BP_Deformation_Manager”

-Add new map for each effects

-Upgrade all Texture from megascan for better result

-Easy to change Weather ( Rain light / strong , Snow Light / strong )

-add option like “Deformation attenuation” / “Side fade” for “Limit Distance” all exposed in managerBP


-Capture trails for deformation Surface from Object and character by Sphere component.

-100% Blueprint

-Surface Capture by the area around the player (configurable)

-Size and attenuation is configurable

-Easy to add material in the landscape


There are Snow / Sand / Mud on the landscape 

Technical Details

Number of Blueprints: 9

Number of static meshes: 2

Number of Skeletal meshes: 2

Number of materials: 10

Number of materials Instance: 2

Number of materials Functions : 11

Number of textures: 28



(Keyboard, Mouse)easy to update to any control method


Replicated: (No)


Development Platforms:




Documentation Video tutorial

Supported Engine Versions
