Unlimited Game Music Bundle

Unlimited Music Bundle – 1000+ Tracks for Games!

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Unlimited Game Music Bundle is the largest and the most complete music collection for games. An enormous, 34+ GB library of music consisting of 1000+ tracks, covering 70 different themes & genres. Including different versions & loops that allow professional quality adjustment for your games.

This bundle is perfect for any type or genre of games, including but not limited to Adventure, Fighting, Racing, Cyberpunk, RPG, Sci-Fi & more. With 57+ hours of music, that consists of short & alternative versions, short & long loops, intros & stingers, you’ll have professional quality music for life!

For easier navigation, the bundle is organized into 70 themed folders.

Full List Of Files + BPMs


This bundle will be updated monthly, adding new genres & themes. If you can’t find any style or theme of music in this bundle, let us know and we will add them to the bundle!



Unlimited Game Music Bundle consists of 70 music themes/genres with up to 8 different versions for each track that gives you all the music you need that can easily be paired with your game visuals, action scenes & storylines. The retail value of this collection, if tracks were licensed individually, is $30,000+. Bundled together, you can enjoy this massive collection for less than 1% of that cost!

❮❮❮❮❮ THE TRUTH IS ❯❯❯❯❯

For over 15 years while we, Composer Squad, have been producing music for films, TV shows, games & videos, we’ve noticed that many talented game developers struggled with finding quality music that would instantly elevate the quality of their games.

As creators, we understand the importance of having high-quality materials accessible for multiple projects with a tight budget. That’s why we’ve created the Unlimited Game Music Bundle so you’ll have professionally mixed & mastered tracks with different versions. Plus, you can use the music over and over, not only in-game but in video production as well, without any additional fees or royalties.

❮❮❮❮❮ YOUTUBE POLICY ❯❯❯❯❯

Our music is registered in YouTube’s Content ID system to prevent unauthorized usage & piracy. Although Unreal Engine Marketplace EULA does not include YouTube monetization, we are offering free whitelisting for our customers. If you have purchased this bundle and want to monetize your own promotional videos on YouTube, please contact us at: whitelisting@squad.fm and we will whitelist your video/channel in the Content ID system. Please note that this doesn’t extend to third parties monetizing videos on YouTube.

Technical Details

Number of Audio Wavs: 2626

Number of Audio Cues: 2626

Sample rate / bit rate: 16 Bit, 44,100 Hz

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3