Urban Underground is a comprehensive, fully modular urban style subway station construction set.
Documentation and assembly info
Time lapse video of station construction
Technical Details
Texture Sizes:
Collision: Yes, some custom made and some primitives
Vertex Count: Hundreds to thousands
LODs: All Meshes with higher poly count have one or multiple LOD Meshes
Number of Meshes: 203
Number of Materials and Material Instances:9 Master and 67 Instances
Number of Textures: 184 (Base Color [opacity], Ambient occlusion, metallic, roughness, height, Emission)
Supported Development Platforms: PC/Consoles
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC/Consoles
Important/Additional Notes: Press ‘E’ in the demo map to interact with doors (Revolving ones spin automatically as you approach them). Train arrives and leaves station in the demo map.
Subway maps’ license used in the package:
Supported Engine Versions
4.17 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3