This asset pack contains a variety of flags for your game or archviz project.
The assets are normal static meshes, the animations are pre-calculated using cloth simulations, and playback is done trough the asset’s material.
Because of this, the flags have a minimal performance impact, and do not require any additional project setup!
Each flag comes with a set of template textures.
The wind strength of the flags can transition between windless (a resting pose) to calm, to heavy.
This value can be blended between.
Watch a short video of the flags in motion here
Technical Details
supporting assets:
Texture Sizes:
A note on Ray Tracing:
If your project uses ray tracing, please ensure that the “Evaluate World Position Offset” option is set on all flag instances. Otherwise, you might see two flags.
Collision: Flags, no. Flagpoles, yes, boxes.
Vertex Count: Ranging from 2053 to 392, at LOD0.
LODs: Yes, for the flags.
Number of Meshes: 8 flags, 4 supporting assets.
Number of Materials and Material Instances (excluding example content):
Number of Textures:
Supported Development Platforms: These are normal uassets, they should work on all platforms.
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Linux, XBox and PS4 should work.
Android and iOS not yet tested.
Supported Engine Versions
4.15 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3