Introduction Video : here
This pack gives you 15 high quality, recolourable effects as well as 2 material functions used for creating stunning effects for teleportation, spawning and despawning, blinking, etc…
BP_FX_PortalSettings: allows you to easily overwrite colours of the _Colour tagged particle effects
-Reset System : Press to manually reset the system (Internally called ResetSystem).
-Reset Time : Time to be used for repeating.
-Effect Template : The effect to be used.
-Overwrite Colours : True overwrite colours of the _Colour tagged particle effects.
-Base Colour : Base colour to be used for the effect, every effect used this.
-Secondary Colour : Colour to be used for the secondary effect elements. (In some effects this is not applicable)
-Repeat : True repeats the effect after Reset Time is over.
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Technical Details
Type of Emitters: Yes!
Number of Effects: 27
Number of Textures: 17
Number of Materials: 17
Number of Material Instances : 6
Number of Material Functions : 2
Number of Blueprints: 2
Number of Meshes: 3 (Note: Added 3 mesh assets used for display included)
Supported Development Platforms: PC, Console, VR
Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Console, VR
Supported Engine Versions
4.20 – 4.22