Volume Visualizer

Visualize any volume

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This is a simple plugin to help visualize volumes.

This plugin currently only supports cubic volumes and doesn’t support brush editing!

Documentation: Volume Visualizer Documentation

Note: By default, this plugin only visualizes blocking volumes. If you want to visualize other volume types you can easily add them in the plugin settings.

To open the visibility window:

Window -> Volume Visualizer

To change the plugin settings:

Project settings -> Plugins -> Volume Visualizer

Restart the editor for changes to take effect.

If you have any feature requests or you want to report a bug, please contact me at:


Technical Details

Code Modules:

Number of Blueprints: 0

Number of C++ Classes: 4

Supported Development Platforms: (Please include a list of platforms on which the product can be used for development)

Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0