Western/Old Houses with props

Asset of houses, barns and props (wild west/western)

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I’m releasing a new asset from houses and everything attached in the Western style (I think you already know the source of my inspiration)

Optimized meshes and texture size

You can safely use this asset for any of your projects and games

Technical Details

Number of Unique Meshes: 64

Collision: (Yes, auto)

Triangles Count: 10-11590

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3 BM, 61 Instance

Number of Textures: 166

The project uses textures created not by me, but with a free license (to give realism) :

Brick_01, Broken_Wall_01, Brown_Planks_01, Blue_Painted_Planks_01, Dark_Planks_01, Green_Rough_Planks_01, Grey_Roof_Tiles_01, Grey_Roof_Tiles_02, Roof_01, Roof_Slates_01, Roof_Slates_02, Weathered_Brown_planks_01, Wooden_Planks_01

Texture Resolutions: 256×256-1024×1024 (1 texture 2048×2048)

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: (Yes)

Mac: (Yes)

Supported Engine Versions

4.27, 5.0 – 5.3