Apocalyptic Music Toolkit – Volume I

10 High-Quality, Handcrafted Apocalyptic Tracks (115 Cues)

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For my second release on the Unreal Engine marketplace, is the first volume in the Apocalyptic Music Toolkit. My first was the Fantasy Music Toolkit, which you can find here!

With the latest and greatest instrument libraries & effects available on the market, each music track contains ultra realistic instruments with delicate and precise articulations at a high quality. Each track conveys a particular emotion, with great care to avoid sounding repetitive and generic.

Like the music? Want more? Check out my other packs here!

Wasteland – A desolate piece, to invoke the feeling of a deserted wasteland that was once host to a vast civilization. An electric guitar playing a few notes at a time, accompanied by thick textured strings. Intensifying, the soundscape evolves into an almost hopeful climax, followed by dread as the guitar no longer plays, while the strings fade.

Lonely World – A sister piece to Wasteland, this track is a change of tone, to one of loneliness. A single violin, accompanied by a slow electric guitar, slowly builds up together. Another violin comes into play, changing the feeling to one of melancholy, then giving way to a slow, fading sustain.

My Heart Is Lost – Industrial pads, a thick and dark piano, and a guitar that reverberate into each other. Where the first was one of unfortunate discovery, the second of exploration, this third piece is closer to despair. With intense vibrato, solo string instruments come together in lament of the world that once was. But they too pass, with a lone piano and dark pads being all that remains, decaying into silence.

Abandoned Technology – The wasteland is barren and unforgiving, and one must scavenge whatever they can if they are to eke out an existence. Distorted synths and a supporting guitar take the main stage, with an underlying tone of danger, conveyed by aggressive chugs.

Fusion – Even in the darkened land, barren land marred by ruined civilisation, there is some hope to be found amidst the wreckage. Another day goes by, and another day survived. Synths, a piano, and solo strings come together in an uncanny, near-hopeful orchestration. But it is not without warning, the tempo is fast as is the life of the wastelander.

Radiation – Not everything is salvageable, and not every ruin is something to be rummaged through. Everything, from the ground, to the fetid puddles, and the very air that you breathe, eats away at any living thing. Man or beast, living or dead, radiation is a poison that leaves nothing alive. As the synths evolve in intensity, as the guitar strikes through, the Geiger counter can be heard in the lulls, a warning to the listener.

Prevail – A lone scavenger is not the only thing to crawl out of a hole following the nuclear holocaust. Others did too, and many of them were not human. Perhaps a few were before, now warped. Aggressively articulated strings introduce the conflict, with hefty drums coming in. As the drums quicken, the brass blares. Terror and strife in equal measure, the only choice is to fight and prevail, or to die.

All That’s Left – Guitars taking centre stage, with sustains at length, they are supported by reverberating drums and synths to fill up the space between them. The occasional string instruments come into play, with intense vibrato. Near weeping, they mourn what once was, and over what is left. Everything fades away, with only one guitar seeing everything through to the end, before disappearing slowly into silence.

Hold On – A tremolo guitar opens the scene, with slides and vibrato mourning the decay and desolation. Strings fade in, with thick drums cutting through, changing the mood to one of resolution. The world may be lost, and life being nought but a downward struggle, but hold on to what is left. Hold on, and do not fade quietly.

Ethereal Earth – An epilogue to the world that humanity once made. A deep, rumbling pad breaks the silence, followed up by drums, and an echoing guitar wailing in the distance. A lonely piano accentuates the guitar, coming together to form a lonely duo. The world has been left ravaged, and what life there was once, if not dead, is decaying and turning to dust. A desolate conclusion to the collection.

Each theme comes with Full, Underscore, Melody, & 60 Second versions

Each version comes with:

Dynamics Control variants – Compression applied to the audio, normalizing the loudness of the track. This is important during gameplay, so the audio can be “ducked” (reduced in volume) when needed. E.g. when characters are talking.

All audio stems – The individual audio tracks, such as the Drums track, Strings, Guitar, FX, etc.

In total, there are 115 individual tracks.

Technical Details

(Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)

Number of Audio Wavs: 115

Number of Audio Cues: 115

Sample rate/bit rate: 44,100Hz

Does music loop: Yes

Minutes of audio provided: 261

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Mac: Yes

Important/Additional Notes:

Supported Engine Versions

5.0 – 5.2