
Loftapartment depicts a high quality living space, fully furnished and ready to feel comfortable in.

Included are also a ready-made pawn to walk around and doors that are controlled via blueprints to open automatically when going near them.

Every Mesh went through a meticulous process to guarantee that there are no defects or unnecessary polygons.

Trianglecount is held as low as possible to still give a nice looking asset.

Meshes do include LODs and their Materials are easily interchangerable to give every piece of Furniture an endless possibility for coloring.

Every UV Map is handmade to give you the best result in baked approaches.

We at Fix Visuals want to deliver the best quality, as we know firsthand how hard it can be to get nice assets.

Technical Details

Required Plugins:

HDRI Backdrop

Movie Render Pipeline

Collision: Yes

Vertex Count: between 12 -560.000

LODs: Yes

Number of Unique Meshes: 85 (excluded architecture)

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 12 master – 77 instances

Number of Textures: 90

Texture Resolutions: (from 512 to 4k

Supported Development Platforms:

Windows: Yes

Supported Engine Versions
