
Wet parts of the ground start to look like a mirror when it stops raining in a desert. Eh… it’s lovely!

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• 64 Square Kilometers

• Surface Customization

• 1×1 Meters Vertex Density

• Powerful Material Instance Parameters

• Large Scale Landscape Ambient Occlusion

• Distance Based Landscape Tessellation

• Heightmap Based Layer Blending

• Custom plug and play functions

– Global Normal Variation

– Distance Roughness

– Random Darken

– Heightmap AO

– Distance Fade

– Displacement

– Cloud Panner

– World Normal

– Tessellation

– Material AO

– SpecRough

– World UV

– Colorizer

– NormalB

– Modifier

– Particle

– Breeze

– Detail

– Mixer

– Color

• Dynamic Cloud Shadows

• Landscape Paint Layers

• Background mesh

• Ground cover

Technical Details

PBR: Yes

Textures: Up to 8K

Supported Platform: Windows 64-bit

Target Platform: Windows 64-bit

Documentation: No

[23] Material Function

[5] Material Instance

[1] Landscape

[29] Texture

[4] Material

[4] Mesh

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Additional Notes

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Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.1 – 5.3