
Inspired by Epic’s “Automotive Salt Flats” (which does not contain a landscape.) This is an 8K Landscape scaled up four times, expanding it to more than 1024 square kilometers of salt flats, sand dunes, lakes and mountains. Reducing vertex density was not an issue since this was a desert and mostly flat. Lake is a landscape layer and has no depth, but there’s also a mesh version of it in case anyone prefers to lower the land and give it some depth.

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• Surface Customization

• 1024 Square Kilometers

• 4×4 Meters Vertex Density

• Powerful Material Instance Parameters

• Distance Based Landscape Tessellation

• Heightmap Based Layer Blending

• Custom plug and play functions

– Distance Tessellation

– Distance Roughness

– Contact Shadows

– Random Darken

– Distance Fade

– Displacement

– World Normal

– Material AO

– SpecRough

– Water UV

– World UV

– Colorizer

– NormalB

– Modifier

– Cloud

– Detail

– Color

• Dynamic Cloud Shadows

• Landscape Paint Layers

• Background mesh

• Ground cover

Technical Details

PBR: Yes

Textures: Up to 8K

Supported Platform: Windows 64-bit

Target Platform: Windows 64-bit

Documentation: No

[21] Material Function

[7] Material Instance

[1] Landscape

[26] Texture

[6] Material

[6] Mesh

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Additional Notes

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Supported Engine Versions

4.26 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3