Workshop Tools Pack

Cordless Drill, Soldering Iron, Screw Driver, Level, Saw, Tape Measure, Ruler, Screw and Bolt, Screw/Bolt Box, Tool Box, Arc Welder, Welding Helmet, Wrench, Scissors, Box Cutters, Pliers, Glue Gun, Safety Glasses, Hammer, Duct Tape, Sand Paper and more.

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Meshes include: Work Bench, Cordless Drill, Soldering Iron, Screw Driver,

Level, Hand Saw, Tape Measure, Ruler, Screw and Bolt, Screw/Bolt Box, Tool

Box, Arc Welder, Welding Helmet, Wrench, Scissors, Box Cutters, Pliers,

Glue Gun, Safety Glasses, Hammer, Duct Tape, Sand Paper, Peg Board with


Technical Details

   PBR Textures

Texture Sizes:

PBR Materials with 3 textures each (most are 1024) Base color, Normal, and

Roughness, Metalic, AO Packed.





Scaled to Epic skeleton: Yes

Collision: Yes, automatically generated

Vertex Count: 54k

LODs: 1

Number of Meshes: 28

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 34

Number of Textures: 95

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: TBA

Supported Engine Versions

4.18 – 4.27, 5.0 – 5.3